Movements are the best indicator of baby’s wellbeing while they’re inside you.
You may feel your first movements as early as 16 weeks if you have had a baby before, but if this is your first baby you may not feel them til 20-22 weeks. Initially, these will feel like little flutters, and may be mixed up with digestive sensations! At first you will only feel the biggest movements they make, but as time goes on you will feel more and more, including little hiccups. If you have an anterior whenua (placenta at the front of your belly) you may not feel movement as early or as strongly, because baby is kicking into a big cushion with no nerve endings.
There is no ‘right’ number of movements to feel in a day – every baby is unique and will find their own pattern! By 28 weeks they should be falling into a pattern of movement, and it’s important to tune in to your baby’s pattern. They are often very wriggly in the afternoon or evening, and sometimes first thing in the morning.
Movement tends to increase up to about 32 weeks, then should stay the same for the rest of your pregnancy. If you are past 28 weeks and your baby is not moving as much as usual, it is important to call your midwife immediately, so she can assess you and your baby.
The way movements feel can change closer to term, more of a rolling feeling than sharp kicks and punches, but the amount of movement and the pattern of movement should not change. If it does, please call your midwife immediately. It is not normal for movements to slow down at the end of pregnancy.