Varicose Veins in Pregnancy

Varicose veins are veins that have pressed up toward the skin’s surface, and appear as blue, somewhat knobbly raised lines on the skin. They often appear on your calves, the back of your knees, and on your inner thighs, although they can appear on any part of your legs, and sometimes also on the vulva.

They are caused by the increased blood supply of pregnancy, combined with the relaxing effects of pregnancy hormones and the pressure of the growing uterus on veins slowing blood return to the heart and leaving more in the veins of the legs. There is also a genetic component to these – if your mother or grandmother got them, you’re more likely to.

To help prevent and minimise varicose veins, try not to stay standing too much, and rest with your feet above your hips if you can. Take gentle walks at least once a day to help keep your blood moving, and support/compression socks or tights may help as well.

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