Antenatal Classes

Antenatal classes are a great way to meet other expectant parents and learn about pregnancy, birth, and early parenting. There are several options in Palmerston North and online, as well as a wānanga wahakura option.

Barnardos provide Bumps to Babies, located downstairs from the birthing centre at 117 Ruahine Street. This service is fully funded.

EMPWR provide an online antenatal course developed by Arlene Oram, a midwife who worked in Aotearoa. It is worldwide and is aimed at LGBTQ+ parents, using gender-neutral language throughout. It is not funded and there is a cost to access them. There are places available for low-income whānau.

Entwined Parenting provide antenatal classes, run by Ally Burleigh out of Kauri Health at 619 Featherston Street. These classes are not fully funded and there is a cost to access them. There are koha places available for people who would like to access these courses where money is a barrier.

Hatched provide antenatal & parenting classes online. These pre-recorded classes have multiple options, including the full course, or smaller courses focused on things like caesarean birth, induction, and early parenting. These courses are not funded and come at a cost to whānau who would like to access them.

Mokopuna Ora provide four wānanga wahakura each year, each running out of a different marae or community location in Manawatū, Horowhenua, or Tararua. These sessions run over a full weekend and are fully funded.

My Little Kiwi provide pre-recorded antenatal classes online developed by Aotearoa midwife Becca O’Leary. These pre-recorded classes have multiple options, including the full course or smaller courses focusing on things like pain relief, the fourth trimester, complications, or baby feeding. These courses are not funded and come at a cost to clients.

Te Rito Ora is a free breastfeeding service in South Auckland, who host the Janm Aur Parvarish online antenatal class which has culturally-specific education for Indian women. This is a free live Zoom service available to Indian women in the MidCentral region.