So you’re pregnant! This may be a time of joy and excitement, or it may be a time where you consider your options and contemplate your life course, or it may be a bit of both.
The first decision you will need to make in relation to care is who is going to look after you. In Papaieoa/Palmerston North, there are no private obstetricians or GPs offering LMC care. You can choose to enquire with any midwife listed on the Find Your Midwife page that looks after clients in your area. If you cannot find a midwife that has availability when you are due, then the community team may be able to care for you.
Midwifery care in the first trimester is a bit sparse, with usually only one or two visits in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, including the booking visit. However, a midwife’s phone is never unanswered, and if you have any concerns in these weeks please make contact. Always call if you are concerned – text messages are not a reliable way to contact me.
Early pregnancy is a great time to assess your eating and exercising habits, and to start pelvic floor exercises. It is also a good time to think about other health issues such as alcohol intake, smoking or vaping, and recreational drugs (none of which are recommended in pregnancy). If you have questions around what you’re eating and drinking or any substances you are using, your midwife can help.
Typical discomforts of pregnancy, such as nausea and vomiting, bloating and cramping, constipation, food cravings and food aversions, increased urinary frequency, urinary tract infections, backache and joint pain, headaches, and varicose veins, may start in the first trimester although some may not begin until later in pregnancy. You may find yourself much more tired or sleepy than you expect in your first trimester as your body prepares to host a baby for nine months!
If you have questions about any of these things, it can be useful to make a list for your midwife to address at your appointment. If anything is urgent, please call your midwife.