First Contact

So you’re pregnant! This may be a moment for celebration and congratulations, or a consideration of your options. Whatever it is for you, I am here to support you from the moment you find out you’re pregnant.

Please contact me initially in the way you find easiest – via email, text, phone call, or my enquiry form.

Details that I will need are your full name, NHI number if you know it, date of birth, date of the first day of your last menstrual period or your estimated due date if you know it, how many babies you’ve had before, and whether this is a congratulations moment or a contact to help consider your options.

If you’re not planning on continuing the pregnancy, I am still happy to care for you in this time and can arrange the referrals you need. It is possible to do this yourself but if you want or need support and guidance, I am here to help.

If you are planning to keep your baby or if you are unsure, I can arrange for a prescription for iodine and folic acid to be sent to a convenient pharmacy if you want to take these, as these supplements should be started as early in pregnancy as possible.

Please have a look at my page on Early Pregnancy for an outline of what to expect in this period.